Homecoming, well kind of.

Well I never lived here personally, Knoxville Tennessee is where my fathers family the “McGill’s” are located and this is where he grew up & returned after retirement. So in a way it is like returning to my ancestral home, last time I was here I was 8 years old and we came for a family vacation. We drove across the country from California in a station wagon. Mom, Dad, David, Me & our dog Puffy.
These shots are from downtown Knoxville on Saturday morning.

2 Responses to “Homecoming, well kind of.”

  1. anuvuestudio Says:

    Love that top one especially and love the earthly coloring you chose.


  2. dieterdelathauwer Says:

    strange atmosphere you create here… (kinda 28 days later 🙂
    i would love to visit the states once and broaden my vision on the world! the bottom two images make me really curious…

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